
Prose Components

Components to help you structure your content.


Use accordion and accordion-item to create collapsible content sections. Accordions are useful for organizing FAQs, expandable details, or grouped information in an interactive way.


::accordion-item{label="What are the main considerations when upgrading to Nuxt UI v3?" icon="i-lucide-circle-help"}
The transition to v3 involves significant changes, including new component structures, updated theming approaches, and revised TypeScript definitions. We recommend a careful, incremental upgrade process, starting with thorough testing in a development environment.

::accordion-item{label="Is Nuxt UI v3 compatible with standalone Vue projects?" icon="i-lucide-circle-help"}
Nuxt UI is now compatible with Vue! You can follow the [installation guide](/getting-started/installation) to get started.

::accordion-item{label="What about Nuxt UI Pro?" icon="i-lucide-circle-help"}
We've also rebuilt Nuxt UI Pro from scratch and released a `v3.0.0-alpha.x` package but it only contains the components to build this documentation yet. This will be a free update, so the license you buy now will be valid for v3. We're actively working to finish the rewrite of all Nuxt UI Pro components.



Use badge to display status indicators or labels. Badges are great for highlighting version numbers, statuses, or categories within your content.



Use callout to emphasize important contextual information. Callouts draw attention to notes, tips, warnings, or cautions, making key information stand out.

Customize with icon and color props or use note, tip, warning, caution shortcuts for pre-defined semantic styles.

This is a callout with full markdown support.
This is a `callout` with full **markdown** support.
Here's some additional information for you.
Here's a helpful suggestion.
Be careful with this action as it might have unexpected results.
This action cannot be undone.
Here's some additional information.

Here's a helpful suggestion.

Be careful with this action as it might have unexpected results.

This action cannot be undone.


Use card to highlight content blocks. Cards are useful for showcasing features, resources, or related information in visually distinct and interactive containers.

Customize with title, icon, and color props. Cards can also act as links using <NuxtLink> properties for navigation.


A dashboard with multi-column layout.

title: Dashboard
icon: i-simple-icons-github
target: _blank
A dashboard with multi-column layout.


Use card-group to arrange cards in a grid layout. card-group is ideal for displaying collections of cards in a structured, visually appealing, and responsive grid.


A dashboard with multi-column layout.


A template with landing, pricing, docs and blog.


A documentation with @nuxt/content.


A landing page you can use as starting point.


title: Dashboard
icon: i-simple-icons-github
target: _blank
A dashboard with multi-column layout.

title: SaaS
icon: i-simple-icons-github
target: _blank
A template with landing, pricing, docs and blog.

title: Docs
icon: i-simple-icons-github
target: _blank
A documentation with `@nuxt/content`.

title: Landing
icon: i-simple-icons-github
target: _blank
A landing page you can use as starting point.



Use collapsible to hide and reveal content sections. collapsible is ideal for showing optional details, technical specifications, or less frequently needed information.


| Prop    | Default   | Type                     |
| `name`  |           | `string`{lang="ts-type"} |
| `size`  | `md`      | `string`{lang="ts-type"} |
| `color` | `neutral` | `string`{lang="ts-type"} |



Use field to describe a specific field, property, or parameter. field components are perfect for documenting API parameters, component props, or configuration options.

The description can be set as prop or in the default slot with full markdown support.

::field{name="name" type="string" required}
The `description` can be set as prop or in the default slot with full **markdown** support.


Use field-group to group related fields together in a list. field-group helps organize and structure documentation for multiple related fields or properties.

Default to false - Enables analytics for your project (coming soon).

Default to false - Enables blob storage to store static assets, such as images, videos and more.

Default to false - Enables cache storage to cache your server route responses or functions using Nitro's cachedEventHandler and cachedFunction

Default to false - Enables SQL database to store your application's data.

  ::field{name="analytics" type="boolean"}
    Default to `false` - Enables analytics for your project (coming soon).

  ::field{name="blob" type="boolean"}
    Default to `false` - Enables blob storage to store static assets, such as images, videos and more.

  ::field{name="cache" type="boolean"}
    Default to `false` - Enables cache storage to cache your server route responses or functions using Nitro's `cachedEventHandler` and `cachedFunction`

  ::field{name="database" type="boolean"}
    Default to `false` - Enables SQL database to store your application's data.


Use icon to insert icons from icon libraries. Icons provide visual cues and enhance the user interface of your documentation.



Use kbd to display keyboard keys or shortcuts. kbd components clearly indicate keyboard inputs for instructions or command references.


:kbd{value="meta"} :kbd{value="K"}


Use tabs and tabs-item to organize content into tabbed interfaces. Tabs are effective for separating content into logical sections, improving content discoverability and organization.

Lorem velit voluptate ex reprehenderit ullamco et culpa.

:::tabs-item{label="Code" icon="i-lucide-code"}

Lorem velit voluptate ex reprehenderit ullamco et culpa.


:::tabs-item{label="Preview" icon="i-lucide-eye"}

Lorem velit voluptate ex reprehenderit ullamco et culpa.




Use steps to create step-by-step guides from document headings. steps component automatically numbers headings, creating a numbered guide for processes and tutorials.

Set the level prop to define the heading level to include in the step-by-step guide.

Add the Nuxt UI Pro module in your nuxt.config.ts

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxt/ui-pro']

Import Tailwind CSS and Nuxt UI Pro in your CSS

@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui-pro";

#### Add the Nuxt UI Pro module in your `nuxt.config.ts`{lang="ts-type"}

```ts [nuxt.config.ts]
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxt/ui-pro']

#### Import Tailwind CSS and Nuxt UI Pro in your CSS

```css [assets/css/main.css]
@import "tailwindcss";
@import "@nuxt/ui-pro";
