Build your docs with Nuxt UI Pro

Nuxt UI Pro is a collection of premium components built on top of Nuxt UI to create beautiful & responsive applications in minutes.

npx nuxi init -t github:nuxt-ui-pro/docs

All-in-one documentation template

    Nuxt 3

    Powered by Nuxt 3 for optimal performances and SEO.


    Write your pages with MDC thanks to Nuxt Content.

    Nuxt UI v3

    Offers a very large set of full customizable components.


    A fully typed development experience.

    Nuxt Studio

    Supported by Nuxt Studio for fast updates and previews.


    A full-text search modal powered by Fuse.js.

Start with Nuxt UI Pro today!

Nuxt UI Pro is free in development, but you need a license to use it in production.